Economic methodology 经济学方法论
positive and normative statements (the distinction between facts and value judgements)
- Positive statement: a statement that is about facts (objectivity), thus can be verified being true or false (but it doesn’t need to be true),
- i.e. the statement is testable
- Normative statement: a value judgment about whether a situation is subjectively desirable or undesirable,
- i.e. an opinion
meaning of the term ceteris paribus
- Ceteris paribus is a Latin word meaning ‘all other things being equal’
importance of the time period (short run, long run, very long run)
- Short run: at least one variable/factor is fixed, e.g. physical capitals such as size of factory, so the response to price changes is limited
- Long run: all factors of production are variable, production is bounded by technology and government rules
- Very long run: all factors of production, technology and government rules are variable